Notice: Please visit for our latest Marketing Engineering software
Marketing Engineering for Excel has reached end of life and is no longer receiving updates. Please visit to explore our newest online marketing analytics platform which is designed to replace the Marketing Engineering for Excel add-in.
Students: If your instructor has specifically told you to use Marketing Engineering for Excel software, please continue on this site.

Instructor Newsletters

Marketing Engineering News - January 2015

Posted in Instructor Newsletters

The Marketing Engineering Team extends our best wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2015 to all our colleagues.

  • Marketing Engineering Update
    The current release of Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL) is v2.0.7.  We encourage all instructors, especially those teaching this spring, to check the version they have installed.  We have implemented a number of improvements in calculations and modifications in a number of data sets that will give results that may differ from those in earlier versions.  The software change log will indicate which cases and data sets have been updated. Students will always have access to the most current release, so it is important that the instructor is using the same version.
  • Marketing Engineering announces support for 64-bit versions of Microsoft Excel
    When instructors and students go to the software download page, they will now have the option to download ME>XL 32-bit or 64-bit.  The two versions of ME>XL correspond to the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Excel that are available from Microsoft.  Please make sure that you (and your students) install the version of ME>XL that corresponds to the version of Excel on your machine. The download page on our website includes instructions for determining the version of Excel the user has installed.
  • DecisionPro website changes
    Our website ( has undergone an update to improve the user experience. While the website menu has been reorganized, instructors and students still have dedicated menus for their respective materials. The main difference in the update for student materials is the terminology for accessing the software and business cases. The students now subscribe to the Marketing Engineering materials instead of purchasing a software license. This change is aimed at reducing student confusion between the different software access methods for Windows (installation and licensing) and Macs (online access). Please note that if you include links to the website in your materials, you will have to update them as many of the links to student materials have changed.
  • Marketing Engineering Cloud changes
    The ME Cloud is our method for Mac users to access the Marketing Engineering software online since our software is a Windows-only product. We have upgraded our ME Cloud server and the access software to increase performance. We have also simplified the process for students to gain access to the ME Cloud. Users will now be able to launch the ME Cloud version of Excel directly from their student software page with no additional login required. The ME Cloud launch page also contains all the cases, tutorials and other support material students need.

We appreciate your continued support and always look forward to your suggestions to further improve Marketing Engineering.  Please reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if we can be of assistance.

Please pass this newsletter on to your colleagues who can subscribe by sending a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

All the best,

Gary Lilien, Penn State University
Arvind Rangaswamy, Penn State University
Arnaud De Bruyn, ESSEC Business School