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Pricing Model

on . Posted in Software Models

What you put in... What you get out...
  • Buying intention for a product at a number of different price points
  • Aggregate demand level estimate for any price level

Teaching Tips - Videos

on . Posted in Teaching Tips

  1. Be sure to view the video yourself before showing it to a class. It is important to let the class know exactly how much material they are going to see and what they are going to see beforehand—don’t try to surprise them.
  2. Lower expectations. While the content is outstanding, these videos vary in quality. Most are quite ragged, both in terms of video quality and in terms of presentation. That is because these are not studio shots with retakes possible—this is live video incidental to the competition. We should be happy to have these live records. It is recommended that you download the videos to a local hard drive before showing to the class. Videos may be download directly from the MIT TechTV website. This will prevent any issues that may occur while streaming video over the internet.
  3. Stop and start. Do not show the videos in their entirety. Stop the videos as you proceed and make key teaching points during those stopping times. Also, encourage the class to “interrupt the speaker.” This is an advantage of the video—you can stop the speaker and ask him or her (you, the instructor) to elaborate or clarify anything that has been said. Try to make the viewing an active event by stopping frequently and asking questions.
  4. Wrap up. Be sure to ask the class what lessons they learned after the video is over. Relate these lessons to the class material/software and they will get a deeper understanding of what is possible.