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Marketing Models


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Authors: Gary L. Lilien, Philip Kotler, and K. Sridhar Moorthy
Publisher: Trafford Publishing (2007*)
ISBN-10: 1425112919
ISBN-13: 9781425112919

Now back in print in response to popular demand, this classic 1992 book is THE marketing models reference for work in the field up to its publication date. The book takes a marketing strategy/decision making orientation toward marketing modeling. The book is organized as follows:

Chapters 1-3 provide the background and behavioral foundations of marketing modeling, focusing on models of the actors (individuals and organizations) who operate in markets.

Chapters 4-9 address models of the elements of the marketing mix - price, product, advertising, promotion, sales force, and distribution.

Chapters 10-11 deal with new product and marketing strategy models.

Chapter 12 deals with uses and implementation issues associated with marketing models.

The book includes five extensive and very useful appendices that deal with the mathematics of marketing models, methods for assessing and specifying objectives, the types of mathematical forms useful in building mathematical models, model estimation methods and some elements of game theory.

This is a comprehensive book and it is accessible to anyone with some undergraduate mathematical and statistical training.

* This book is a re-publication of the original book published by Prentice-Hall (c) 1992 (ISBN: 013545641X).