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About the Book

on . Posted in Marketing Engineering Revised 2nd Edition

We have designed this book primarily for the graduate business school student, who, with strong technical background or training, must understand the analytics behind the models associated with Marketing Engineering.

Our Marketing Engineering Revised 2nd Edition text provides a complete treatment of both the concepts and the models involved in marketing engineering. Package includes text, software (please note that software is no longer included with this text), and cases, and is designed for the more analytical students and for dedicated courses. This book can be used with our new software (Marketing Engineering for Excel), with some adjustments. Please view our transition guide for more details.

A Note from the Author:

Dear Marketing Engineering Revised 2nd Edition User:

The several editions of Marketing Engineering that we have published since 1998 have been aimed at a fairly narrow, somewhat technical audience interested in bringing more scientific rigor to the marketing discipline. Versions of that book were adopted by more than 150 business schools on five continents. In 2007 we published Principles of Marketing Engineering to reach a broader, less technical audience. A key complement of that book, in response to user feedback, was Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL), i.e., our Marketing Engineering software as an Excel Add-in. The response to that effort has been extremely positive and we have abandoned the original Marketing Engineering software platform, the one that produced the software complement to previous editions of this book.

Hence, as the note on the cover indicates, software is not included with the book. More importantly, when we reference software in the book, those references refer to a version of the software that is no longer available.

Gary Lilien