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Students: If your instructor has specifically told you to use Marketing Engineering for Excel software, please continue on this site.



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DecisionPro has the following resources available to assist in teaching with the Marketing Engineering for Excel software. The Student Resources provide additional background material for understanding output as well as resources for learning the software. The Instructor Resources have been developed by Professors Gary Lilien, Arvind Rangaswamy, and Arnaud De Bruyn to provide classroom proven teaching suggestions.

Student Resources:


The Principles of Marketing Engineering textbook gives an overview of the marketing models used in Marketing Engineering for Excel software. In addition to giving a basic introduction to the models, students will also learn how to interpret the output provided by the software. Visit the textbook page for more details.

Technical Notes

The Technical Notes series provides an in-depth look at the analytics used in the Marketing Engineering for Excel software. The Technical Notes are designed for the more advanced student who wants to learn how the software goes from input to output. Visit the Technical Notes page for more details.

Business Cases

DecisionPro has developed several business cases which work in conjunction with our software. These business cases allow the student to analyze real world problems with the software to gain a fuller understanding of the concepts as well as understand how the software can be applied in their future careers. Visit the business cases page for more details.

Instructor Resources:


Professors Gary Lilien, Arvind Rangaswamy, and Arnaud De Bruyn conduct regular webinars directed towards instructors teaching the Marketing Engineering for Excel software package. These free webinars cover the theory and software implementation of each model. Visit our webinar page to view our current schedule and register for an upcoming webinar or view our archived recordings of past webinars.

Case Solutions

Case solutions are available for each of the DecisionPro business cases. The solutions provide classroom discussion points as well as example software output. Visit the case solutions download page for more details.