Notice: Please visit for our latest Marketing Engineering software
Marketing Engineering for Excel has reached end of life and is no longer receiving updates. Please visit to explore our newest online marketing analytics platform which is designed to replace the Marketing Engineering for Excel add-in.
Students: If your instructor has specifically told you to use Marketing Engineering for Excel software, please continue on this site.

Instructor Newsletters


Posted in Marketing Engineering Revised 2nd Edition

DecisionPro has the following resources available to teach the concepts discussed in the Marketing Engineering Revised 2nd Edition book. The Student Resources allow the student to go directly from the theory discussed in the book to practice without a long lead time. The Instructor Resources have been developed by DecisionPro to provide additional teaching materials for the instructor.

Student Resources:


Marketing Engineering for Excel software package demonstrates the major analytical marketing models discussed in the Marketing Engineering Revised 2nd Edition book. While the original software that was packaged with kasyna this book is no longer available, the major models discussed can be demonstrated using the Marketing Engineering for Excel software. Visit our software page for more details.

Business Cases

DecisionPro offers business cases that work in conjunction with the Marketing Engineering for Excel software. The business cases provide real world examples that demonstrate the concepts discussed in the Marketing Engineering Revised 2nd Edition book. Visit our business case page for more details.

Instructor Resources:

Powerpoint Slides

Professors Gary Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy have developed a series of presentations and lecture notes to assist in teaching Marketing Engineering Revised 2nd Edition. The presentations and lecture notes correspond to the book chapters for ease of use. Visit the Powerpoint teach slides download page for more details.

Case Solutions

Case solutions are available for each of the DecisionPro business cases. The solutions provide classroom discussion points as well as example software output. Visit the case solutions download page for more details.