Notice: Please visit for our latest Marketing Engineering software
Marketing Engineering for Excel has reached end of life and is no longer receiving updates. Please visit to explore our newest online marketing analytics platform which is designed to replace the Marketing Engineering for Excel add-in.
Students: If your instructor has specifically told you to use Marketing Engineering for Excel software, please continue on this site.

Instructor Newsletters

Download and Activate Evaluation

Posted in Marketing Engineering for Excel

Confirmed instructors on our website may obtain a complimentary evaluation copy of Marketing Engineering for Excel. This license is valid for one year (may be renewed each year) and is for evaluation and personal use only.
{jugaaccess !Instructors}

To receive a complimentary evaluation copy of the software, you must be a confirmed instructor on our website. If your instructor status has already been approved, please login and revisit this page to obtain the instructions to receive your software. If you have not yet registered as an instructor on our website, please do so on our Instructor Registration page.

{/jugaaccess} {jugaaccess Instructors}

This license is for the instructor's personal use only. Providing this license to students is strictly forbidden and doing so will forfeit your instructor access to our website.

Download Software


Version 2 of Marketing Engineering for Excel is currently available for instructor preview before general availability on July 1. Please view the "What's New in v2" tab for important details about the differences between v1.x and v2. To activate version 2, please follow the instructions below for ME>XL v2.0 and later to obtain the appropriate software license.

  1. Download the latest release of software from the Instructor Download Section. The instructor download will also include all DecisionPro business cases and data sets.
  2. Install the software following the instructions provided in the Getting Started Guide.

Activate Software

(this process will be similar to the process your students will experience)

Please be sure to select the correct version of software below to obtain the appropriate software license. The software license required by version 2 of our software is different than the license required for version 1.7. If you currently have a v1.7 software license, you will need to obtain a new v2 software license following the appropriate link below.

{slide=Obtaining an Instructor Software License for ME>XL v1.7}

    1. Follow this link to the software purchase page. (,1,0,0,,0)
    2. Enter the following Priority Code on the Shopping Cart page to receive your complimentary activation:

Priority Code: ins23232

(This code is not to be given to students. This code is for instructor use only.)

  1. After inserting the Priority Code and clicking "Update Cart", your total should change to $0.00.
  2. Continue the checkout process to receive your complimentary License ID and Password to activate the software. (You will need to create a "New Customers" account the first time you go through this specific activation process. Your website username and password are not transferrer to our third-party software licensing company.)
  3. You will receive your License ID and Password on screen at the end of the purchase process as well as a copy via email.
  4. Open Microsoft Excel.
  5. On the Marketing Engineering for Excel splash screen, click "Activate". If you are not presented with a splash screen, you can also find the Activate link under the menu "ME►XL" -> "About Marketing Engineering for Excel" (in Excel 2007/2010, this is located under the Add Ins tab).
  6. Enter the License ID and Password you received and click "Activate". Restart Excel to complete the activation process. You will only need to do this once per machine.
  7. The next time you start Microsoft Excel, the splash screen will appear telling you how many days are left on your license. DO NOT click "Activate" again. This will result in your software giving you an error message that the activation has already been used. At this point, you may check the "Do not show again until license expires" option and you will not see the splash screen again until your software is near expiration.

If your software is still not activated (Run Analysis is grayed out) after entering the License ID and Password and restarting Excel, contact us through the Support Center for assistance.

{/slide} {slide=Obtaining an Instructor Software License for ME>XL v2.0 and later}

    1. Follow this link to the software purchase page. (,1,0,0,,0)
    2. Enter the following Priority Code on the Shopping Cart page to receive your complimentary activation:

Priority Code: ins130303

(This code is not to be given to students. This code is for instructor use only.)

  1. After inserting the Priority Code and clicking "Update Cart", your total should change to $0.00.
  2. Continue the checkout process to receive your complimentary License ID and Password to activate the software. (You will need to create a "New Customers" account the first time you go through this specific activation process. Your website username and password are not transferrer to our third-party software licensing company.)
  3. You will receive your License ID and Password on screen at the end of the purchase process as well as a copy via email.
  4. Open Microsoft Excel.
  5. On the Marketing Engineering for Excel splash screen, click "Activate". If you are not presented with a splash screen, you can also find the Activate link under the menu "ME►XL" -> "About Marketing Engineering for Excel" (in Excel 2007/2010, this is located under the Add Ins tab).
  6. Enter the License ID and Password you received and click "Activate". Restart Excel to complete the activation process. You will only need to do this once per machine.
  7. The next time you start Microsoft Excel, the splash screen will appear telling you how many days are left on your license. DO NOT click "Activate" again. This will result in your software giving you an error message that the activation has already been used. At this point, you may check the "Do not show again until license expires" option and you will not see the splash screen again until your software is near expiration.

If your software is still not activated (Run Analysis is grayed out) after entering the License ID and Password and restarting Excel, contact us through the Support Center for assistance.





Posted in Marketing Engineering for Excel

DecisionPro has the following resources available to assist in teaching with the Marketing Engineering for Excel software. The Student Resources provide additional background material for understanding output as well as resources for learning the software. The Instructor Resources have been developed by Professors Gary Lilien, Arvind Rangaswamy, and Arnaud De Bruyn to provide classroom proven teaching suggestions.

Student Resources:


The Principles of Marketing Engineering textbook gives an overview of the marketing models used in Marketing Engineering for Excel software. In addition to giving a basic introduction to the models, students will also learn how to interpret the output provided by the software. Visit the textbook page for more details.

Technical Notes

The Technical Notes series provides an in-depth look at the analytics used in the Marketing Engineering for Excel software. The Technical Notes are designed for the more advanced student who wants to learn how the software goes from input to output. Visit the Technical Notes page for more details.

Business Cases

DecisionPro has developed several business cases which work in conjunction with our software. These business cases allow the student to analyze real world problems with the software to gain a fuller understanding of the concepts as well as understand how the software can be applied in their future careers. Visit the business cases page for more details.

Instructor Resources:


Professors Gary Lilien, Arvind Rangaswamy, and Arnaud De Bruyn conduct regular webinars directed towards instructors teaching the Marketing Engineering for Excel software package. These free webinars cover the theory and software implementation of each model. Visit our webinar page to view our current schedule and register for an upcoming webinar or view our archived recordings of past webinars.

Case Solutions

Case solutions are available for each of the DecisionPro business cases. The solutions provide classroom discussion points as well as example software output. Visit the case solutions download page for more details.

Analytical Models

Posted in Marketing Engineering for Excel

The Principles of Marketing Engineering textbook and the Marketing Engineering for Excel software package covers some of the most popular marketing models to help address common marketing problems:

  • Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP)
  • New Product Decisions
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Advertising and Communication Decisions
  • Salesforce and Channel Decisions
  • Pricing
  • Sales Promotion Decisions

The following specific models are addressed:

Bass Forecasting
The Bass diffusion model is used to forecast the sales of a new product or service that has no close competitors. Learn More...
The Conjoint Analysis model is a procedure for measuring, analyzing, and predicting customers' responses to new products and to new features of existing products. Learn More...
Customer Choice
The Customer Choice (Logit) model is an individual-level response model that helps to analyze and explain the choices individual customers make in the market. Learn More...
Customer Lifetime Value
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a metric of a customer's value to the organization over the entire history of the relationship. Learn More...
GE/McKinsey Portfolio Matrix
The GE Portfolio approach evaluates a business on the basis of two composite dimensions: industry attractiveness and business strength. Learn More...
Positioning / Perceptual Mapping
Perceptual-mapping helps firms to understand how customers view their product(s) relative to competitive products. Learn More...
The Pricing model is used to determine demand level at any price level. Learn More...
Resource Allocation
Resource Allocation helps optimize resource sizing and resource allocations across segments, products, channels, etc. Learn More...
Segmentation and Targeting
Segmentation is the process of classifying customers into homogenous groups (segments) such that each group of customers shares enough characteristics in common to make it viable for the firm to design specific offerings or products for selected segments. Learn More...

About the Software

Posted in Marketing Engineering for Excel

The Marketing Engineering for Excel software package enables students to gain hands-on experience in applying the analytical marketing concepts discussed in the Principles of Marketing Engineering book and a majority of the topics covered in the Marketing Engineering, Revised 2nd Edition book. When used with our business cases, students apply the concepts learned in the books to real world situations by running analysis on case data and interpreting output to answer business specific questions.

Lilien and Rangaswamy relish marketing students with dirty fingernails, soiled by hands-on application of modern marketing methods. Their book and software open up a marketing toolkit so that students can learn information-based marketing the old-fashioned way: by building practical models.
James D. Hess, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

When taken beyond the classroom, our software package provides tools to help address most of the common marketing problems: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP); New Product Decisions; Sales Forecasting; Advertising and Communication Decisions; Salesforce and Channel Decisions; Pricing; and Sales Promotion Decisions.

The software is built as an Excel Add-In to simplify use while increasing flexibility.


Simplified Use

  • Access software through familiar Excel interface
  • Tutorials and sample data sets to learn basic software operations
  • Built-in context-sensitive help
  • Automatic cell selection during analysis when using our cases or templates

Increased Flexibility

  • Instructors are not limited to our business cases and data sets
  • "Create a Template" option enables students to specify the features of the data set and have a table created with data entry indicators
  • Instructors may provide their own data or have students gather real world data to complete an analysis