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ABB Electric Video

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Integrated Models to Enable a New Business to Gain Market Share Against Established Competitors - ABB Electric

Video Length:

~24 minutes
Summary: ABB Electric pioneered the use of the "switchable customer" approach to customer targeting as well as the use of logit choice models to identify product attributes most valued by customer. Their decade long program of sales targeting, product development and segmentation allowed them to increase their prices and grow their share from 4% to 40% and also grow their profitability at a time when industry demand dropped by 50%. 1988, ABB was industry leader, with GE and Westinghouse having closed major production facilities.

Syntex Video

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Sales Force Sizing and Allocation


Sales Force Sizing and Deployment Using a Decision Calculus Model - SYNTEX Laboratories

Video Length:

~37 minutes
Summary: A decision calculus model for sales force size and deployment was devised by Syntex managers, with a time horizon of three years. The model recommended large increases in sales force size, changes in sales force allocation of time to some products and market services and away from others. Model predictions proved to be more accurate than standard forecast and in financial terms resulted in a profit increases of $25 million and a 1000:1 benefit to cost ratio for the model development and implementation.