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What is Marketing Engineering

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Principles cover 170406 200x285Several forces are transforming the nature, scope, and structure of the marketing profession. Marketers are seeing increasingly faster changes in the marketplace and are barraged with an ever increasing amount of information. While many view traditional marketing as art and some view it as science, the new marketing increasingly looks like engineering. "Marketing Engineering" is a term coined by Professor Gary Lilien, one of the founders of DecisionPro, Inc, to describe this new marketing philosophy.

DecisionPro, Inc. has developed a series of books and software products to further the field of analytical marketing. These books, combined with a comprehensive collection of leading-edge software models provides the know-how and tools to collect the right information and perform analysis to make better marketing plans, better product designs, and better decisions.

The purpose in writing these books is to help educate and train a new generation of marketing managers. Our goal is to train marketing engineers to translate concepts into context-specific operational decisions and actions using analytical, quantitative, and computer modeling techniques. We link theory to practice and practice to theory.

The models included in the Marketing Engineering software package include:

Bass Forecasting
The Bass diffusion model is used to forecast the sales of a new product or service that has no close competitors. Learn More...
The Conjoint Analysis model is a procedure for measuring, analyzing, and predicting customers' responses to new products and to new features of existing products. Learn More...
Customer Choice
The Customer Choice (Logit) model is an individual-level response model that helps to analyze and explain the choices individual customers make in the market. Learn More
Customer Lifetime Value
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a metric of a customer's value to the organization over the entire history of the relationship. Learn More...
GE/McKinsey Portfolio Matrix
The GE Portfolio approach evaluates a business on the basis of two composite dimensions: industry attractiveness and business strength. Learn More...
Positioning / Perceptual Mapping
Perceptual-mapping helps firms to understand how customers view their product(s) relative to competitive products. Learn More...
Resource Allocation
Resource Allocation helps optimize resource sizing and resource allocations across segments, products, channels, etc. Learn More...
Segmentation and Targeting
Segmentation is the process of classifying customers into homogenous groups (segments) such that each group of customers shares enough characteristics in common to make it viable for the firm to design specific offerings or products for selected segments. Learn More...
  • Marketing Engineering is a highly innovative book that brings science to the managerial intuition of marketing decision-making. The user-friendly and non-intimidating software tools and cases allow the user to focus on the decision-making process and its outcomes without having to deal directly with complex mathematical models. This book indeed leads the practice of marketing science to the 21st century.
    Professor Vijay Mahajan University of Texas at Austin
  • 1

Principles of Marketing Engineering and Analytics 3rd Edition (9780985764821)

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Principles cover 170406 200x285


Authors: Gary L. Lilien, Arvind Rangaswamy, and Arnaud De Bruyn
Publisher: DecisionPro, Inc. (2017)
ISBN-10: 0985764821
ISBN-13: 978-0985764821

Available in select countries via Amazon (print and Kindle edition) and Google Play store (ebook)

Printed Edition from Amazon    Kindle Edition from Amazon    Ebook Edition from Google Play

The 21st century business environment demands more analysis and rigor in marketing decision making. Increasingly, marketing decision making resembles design engineering—putting together concepts, data, analyses, and simulations to learn about the marketplace and to design effective marketing plans. While many view traditional marketing as art and some view it as science, the new marketing increasingly looks like engineering (that is, combining art and science to solve specific problems).

We offer an accessible overview of the most widely used marketing engineering concepts and tools and show how they drive the collection of the right data and information to perform the right analyses to make better marketing plans, better product designs, and better marketing decisions.

We have designed this book primarily for the business school student or marketing manager, who, with minimal background and technical training, must understand and employ the basic tools and models associated with Marketing Engineering.

The interested reader can go beyond the conceptual material in this book and learn how to apply these concepts using the Microsoft Excel-based software tools. That material, in concert with the descriptions here will both inform and help marketing engineers translate concepts into context-specific operational decisions and actions.

Technical Notes: The Technical Notes are designed as an additional reference to the Principles of Marketing Engineering. The Notes provide the analytical background behind the theories discussed in the text. These notes are available for free download on the website.

Subject Areas

The Principles of Marketing Engineering includes the following topics:
  • Market Response Models
  • Customer Value Assessment and Valuing Customers
  • Segmentation and Targeting
  • Positioning Analysis
  • Forecasting
  • New Product and Service Design
  • Digital Marketing
  • The Marketing Mix

Principles of Marketing Engineering 2nd Edition (9780985764807)

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in select countries


* * The 3rd Edition of this book is now available. * *

Authors: Arvind Rangaswamy, Arvind Rangaswamy, and Arnaud De Bruyn
Publisher: DecisionPro, Inc. (2012)
ISBN-10: 0985764805
ISBN-13: 978-0985764807

The 21st century business environment demands more analysis and rigor in marketing decision making. Increasingly, marketing decision making resembles design engineering—putting together concepts, data, analyses, and simulations to learn about the marketplace and to design effective marketing plans. While many view traditional marketing as art and some view it as science, the new marketing increasingly looks like engineering (that is, combining art and science to solve specific problems).

We offer an accessible overview of the most widely used marketing engineering concepts and tools and show how they drive the collection of the right data and information to perform the right analyses to make better marketing plans, better product designs, and better marketing decisions.

We have designed this book primarily for the business school student or marketing manager, who, with minimal background and technical training, must understand and employ the basic tools and models associated with Marketing Engineering.

The interested reader can go beyond the conceptual material in this book and learn how to apply these concepts using the Microsoft Excel-based software tools. That material, in concert with the descriptions here will both inform and help marketing engineers translate concepts into context-specific operational decisions and actions.

Technical Notes: The Technical Notes are designed as an additional reference to the Principles of Marketing Engineering. The Notes provide the analytical background behind the theories discussed in the text. These notes are available for free download on the website.

Subject Areas

The Principles of Marketing Engineering includes the following topics:
  • Market Response Models
  • Customer Value Assessment and Valuing Customers
  • Segmentation and Targeting
  • Positioning Analysis
  • Forecasting
  • New Product and Service Design
  • The Marketing Mix

Marketing Models

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Authors: Gary L. Lilien, Philip Kotler, and K. Sridhar Moorthy
Publisher: Trafford Publishing (2007*)
ISBN-10: 1425112919
ISBN-13: 9781425112919

Now back in print in response to popular demand, this classic 1992 book is THE marketing models reference for work in the field up to its publication date. The book takes a marketing strategy/decision making orientation toward marketing modeling. The book is organized as follows:

Chapters 1-3 provide the background and behavioral foundations of marketing modeling, focusing on models of the actors (individuals and organizations) who operate in markets.

Chapters 4-9 address models of the elements of the marketing mix - price, product, advertising, promotion, sales force, and distribution.

Chapters 10-11 deal with new product and marketing strategy models.

Chapter 12 deals with uses and implementation issues associated with marketing models.

The book includes five extensive and very useful appendices that deal with the mathematics of marketing models, methods for assessing and specifying objectives, the types of mathematical forms useful in building mathematical models, model estimation methods and some elements of game theory.

This is a comprehensive book and it is accessible to anyone with some undergraduate mathematical and statistical training.

* This book is a re-publication of the original book published by Prentice-Hall (c) 1992 (ISBN: 013545641X).


Marketing Engineering: Computer-Assisted Marketing Analysis and Planning, Revised 2nd Edition

Posted in Books

Marketing Engineering Revised 2nd Edition

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in select countries)



Authors: Gary L. Lilien, Arvind Rangaswamy, Arnaud De Bruyn
Pages: 538
Publisher: Trafford Publishing (2004)
ISBN-10: 1412022525
ISBN-13: 9781412022521

Marketing Engineering is more than just a book. It is an integrated suite of marketing concepts, models, and application software delivered to you at the price of a book. This book explains the underlying marketing concepts and models, and then allows you to "learn by doing" using the associated cases and exercises. This book includes the educational version of Marketing Engineering Classic Software v.2.4 on CD-ROM and a one-year software license (software is not compatible with Office 2007). To learn about our latest software offering, Marketing Engineering for Excel, which is available as a separate purchase, please visit our software page.

With our suite of products, you can go directly from theory to practice without a long lead time. Some of the most beneficial marketing models have traditionally only been used by a very small community of researchers and consultants. Now these powerful tools are available to most marketers, even those without a strong mathematical and statistical knowledge.

A Note from the Author:

Dear Marketing Engineering Revised Edition 2 User:

The several editions of Marketing Engineering that we have published since 1998 have been aimed at a fairly narrow, somewhat technical audience interested in bringing more scientific rigor to the marketing discipline. Versions of that book were adopted by more than 150 business schools on five continents. In 2007 we published Principles of Marketing Engineering to reach a broader, less technical audience. A key complement of that book, in response to user feedback, was Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL), i.e., our Marketing Engineering software as an Excel Add-in. The response to that effort has been extremely positive and we have abandoned the original Marketing Engineering software platform, the one that produced the software complement to previous editions of this book.

Hence, as the note on the cover indicates, software is not included with the book. More importantly, when we reference software in the book, those references refer to a version of the software that is no longer available.

Gary Lilien

Subject Areas

The Marketing Engineering textbook includes the following topics: 

  • Market Response Models
  • Segmentation and Targeting
  • Positioning Analysis
  • Strategic Market Analysis
    • Market Demand and Trend Analysis
    • Product Life Cycle
  • Strategic Marketing Decision Making
    • Shared Experience Models: The PIMS Approach
    • Product Portfolio Models: The GE/McKinsey Approach
  • New Product Decisions
    • Conjoint Analysis for Product Design
    • Forecasting Sales using the Bass Model
    • Pretest Market Forecasting with the Assessor Model
  • Advertising and Communication Decisions
  • Salesforce and Channel Decisions
    • Reallocator Model
    • CALLPLAN Model
  • Price and Sales Promotion Decisions