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An Introduction to Marketing Engineering

Posted in New Instructors

Principles 3rd cover 150x211Welcome to Marketing Engineering. Several forces are transforming the structure and content of the marketing profession. Marketers are seeing increasingly faster changes in the marketplace and are barraged with an ever increasing amount of information. While many view traditional marketing as art and some view it as science, the new marketing increasingly looks like engineering. These textbooks, combined with a comprehensive collection of leading-edge software models provides the student with the know-how and tools to collect the right information and perform analysis to make better marketing plans, better product designs, and better decisions.

mexlsoftwareThe purpose in writing these books is to help educate and train a new generation of marketing managers. Our goal is to train marketing engineers to translate concepts into context-specific operational decisions and actions using analytical, quantitative, and computer modeling techniques. We link theory to practice and practice to theory.

Marketing Engineering is combination of textbookssoftware, and business cases developed and written by Professors Gary L. LilienArvind Rangaswamy, and Arnaud De Bruyn. The textbooks, software, and cases are intended to be used in conjunction with one another to provide theory (textbook), computer modeling techniques (software), and context-specific operations decisions and action (business cases).

  • I think you've put together a great product for teaching marketing. My students really feel like they're learning a lot from the software and applications in the New Products module of Marketing Engineering. I'll definitely be using it again when I teach two sections of the course next year.... Based on my interactions with students over the years, I know that there is a big need for user-friendly software that enables firms to apply all of these models.
    Peter Golder New York University
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The following "Introduction to Marketing Engineering" webinar was conducted on Aug 26, 2009 by Professor Arnaud De Bruyn from ESSEC Business School in Paris, France. It introduces the Principles of Marketing Engineering textbook and Marketing Engineering for Excel software as a solution for instructors interested in introducing analytics into their classroom.

What this Webinar Covers

Our two companion products, the textbook Principles of Marketing Engineering and the software Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL) offer a unique learning combination of concept and applied technique.

Principles provides the concepts of marketing analytics (blended with conceptual marketing) in a way that is accessible to all marketing instructors and to more advanced marketing undergrads and MBAs.

ME>XL provides widely used and impactful marketing analytics software, packaged in an easy-to use Excel format. That format makes both the purpose of the software and its operation transparent to first time users as well as to those with more experience.

These products have evolved through years of research and development, and have been used successfully in over 100 business schools internationally.

To introduce Principles and ME>XL, during this webinar, we will:

  • Demonstrate the need for Marketing Engineering as a critical component in contemporary marketing education
  • Outline the structure and the coverage of Principles of Marketing Engineering
  • Briefly demonstrate the Marketing Engineering software
  • Outline where this new material can make a real pedagogic difference in courses such as : Marketing Strategy, Marketing Communications, Product Policy, New Product Management, Marketing Research and others
  • Answer questions about possible testing and adoption